GroundPlug® TwisterTM M16/5″ Post bracket for the GroundPlug® TwisterTM M16 series.
Use the post bracket for the GroundPlug® TwisterTM screw foundations for 5″ posts for carports, fences, patio covers, etc.
The easiest way to install the post bracket is to put a sod into the ground where the screw foundation will be placed. The screw foundation is then screwed into the ground, then the post bracket is slid down over the screw foundation and knocked all the way into the ground with a hammer. Use a wooden block so that the galvanization is not damaged. Finally, the bracket is bolted onto the screw foundation.
Always use our free calculation service so you are sure you are using the right products for your project. We will reply within 1-2 days.
£ 23,99 incl. vat
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GroundPlug® Twister™ Skruefundamenter er designet til nem og hurtig installering og montering, uanset størrelsen på skruefundamentet. På installationssiden kan du finde skridt-for-skridt installationsvejledninger, samt lister over, hvilke materialer og maskiner du behøver for at installere GroundPlug® Twister™ Skruefundamenter.
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Are you planning a construction project? Are you thinking of choosing a screw pile footing for your project? Foundation installation has never been so easy. Just fill in the form and we will pre-calculate your foundations needs and send you a quote within 24-48 hours. Offer accepted? We’ll draw up your plan sketch and ship out your screw piles directly to the building site, your home or your office.