As a provider of high-quality steel foundations for industrial use, we have extensive experience with projects requiring high load sufficiency. Also for homes made of wood, GroundPlug® TwisterTM Foundations are a solid, smart and sustainable alternative to concrete footings. Due to our wide product range, we can offer suitable GroundPlug® Foundations for wooden homes at all scales and in all shapes. Using GroundPlug® TwisterTM Screw Piles for your home, you will also benefit from the following advantages:
Build your frame and
level it with fx kiles.
Place the GroundPlug® TwisterTM Post Bracket on top of the foundation and drive it into the ground with a hammer. Use a piece of wood between your hammer and the stabilizer to avoid
damaging the galvanization.
Mount the GroundPlug® TwisterTM Post Bracket to the foundation.
Mount the post in the GroundPlug® TwisterTM Post Bracket
With GroundPlug® Screw Piles, you can design exactly the wooden home you have in mind. The only important thing in terms of foundation is to choose the GroundPlug® Screw Piles that fits perfectly to your individual home. This may vary depending on the size, weight and height of your cabin, amongst other parameters. With our free engineering service, we are happy to help find the right solution for you.
Which kind of products you will need for a home project depends mostly on the size of the home. For smaller homes, products from our GroundPlug® M20 series are a good choice. For average size homes, you will need to use foundations that require professional installation with a mini digger or excavator, such as GroundPlug® TwisterTM M24 or M30 foundations.
GroundPlug® Foundations for homes can be installed either with a large handheld impact wrench, a mini digger or an excavator – depending on the required foundation size. One thing all installation opportunities have in common are striking benefits regarding effectiveness and reliability, resulting from our patented and innovative way of installing GroundPlug® Screw Piles.
Learn more about the tools required for installation
With GroundPlug® Screw Piles, you can design exactly the wooden home you have in mind. The only important thing in terms of foundation is to choose the GroundPlug® Screw Piles that fits perfectly to your individual home. This may vary depending on the size, weight and height of your cabin, amongst other parameters. With our free engineering service, we are happy to help find the right solution for you.
Which kinds of products you will need for a home project depends mostly on the size of the home. For smaller homes, products from our GroundPlug® M20 series are a good choice. For average size homes, you will need to use foundations that require professional installation with a mini digger or excavator, such as our GroundPlug® PilexProTM series.
GroundPlug® Foundations for homes can either be installed either with a larger impact wrench, a mini digger or an excavator – depending on the required foundation size. What all the installation opportunities have in common are striking benefits regarding effectiveness and reliability, resulting from our patented and innovative way of installing GroundPlug® Screw Piles.
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See our range of steel foundations for LARGE construction projects
Our engineers calculate your project within 48 hours
Did you know that GroundPlug has the market’s largest range of steel foundations?
Have a look at our series for multi-storey construction, infrastructure and industrial construction.
Are you planning a construction project? Are you thinking of choosing a screw pile footing for your project? Foundation installation has never been so easy. Just fill in the form and we will pre-calculate your foundations needs and send you a quote within 24-48 hours. Offer accepted? We’ll draw up your plan sketch and ship out your screw piles directly to the building site, your home or your office.